New Year’s Resolutions, and a bunch of random stuff

I don’t know how I feel about resolutions. Why do we have to wait until the first day of the year to commit to doing, changing, being things that we didn’t do, change, or be before? Why is Day Number One special? It’s only going to turn into Day Number Two, which will become Day Number Three, and before you know it we’re on Day Number Three Hundred Sixty Four and you’re like, well shoot, I only got one more day to live up to my old resolutions. Lame-o. I can make resolutions whenever the heck I want to, and spend as long as I like fulfilling them. Hmph. Another thing about resolutions: Failure to fulfill them. I would rather finish the year saying, well, at least I started doing x, y, and z, even if I didn’t actually finish, rather than by saying, well, I totally failed in accomplishing x, y, and z and now I feel like a jerk with no life.

I mean, even if I were a jerk with no life, I’d rather not feel like one, you know? Who’s with me?

So I ain’t going to make any resolutions. Hah. Eat that, New Year. I can do whatever I want this year without making promises beforehand. Also all the things I want to do in my life, or at least all the ones that matter, need a whole lot more than one year in order to happen. And I was just finally getting used to writing “2013” on everything…shoot.

So. Happy New Year, everyone. Wahoo. Party. Movies. Ice cream. Confetti. Moving on.

I finished reading The Brothers Karamazov, and consequently have no idea what to do with myself. I was going to start some Brontë, or finally read Anna Karenina, or something…but first I couldn’t decide between Brontë or Tolstoy and then I couldn’t decide between Villette or Shirley…so I went with re-reading Wuthering Heights instead. Still by a Brontë, just a different one… Ha. Its been a few years since I read Wuthering Heights, and it’s a captivating book, and I really need something to get lost inside right now, so it’s all good. =)

Come tomorrow, I’ll be heading back to college in five days.

I really had something else I was going to say here, but I have no idea what it was. Cannot for the life of me remember it. Old age does that to you. *decrepit old lady voice*

So. I leave you with this valuable, uplifting, and incredibly profound thought:



4 Comments Add yours

  1. mariertps says:

    Profound, my youngling. PROFOUND. xD What you need is a healthy dose of Lotr movies. *dunks your head in it* Last hugz for you till the new year! *hugz*


  2. New Year’s resolutions can be nice for things that can be accomplished in a year. For example, last year, about this time, I decided that I wanted to read the whole Bible in a year. Since it happened to be about this time, I went ahead and started at the beginning of the year. It actually worked out really well. As for any other goals…I don’t even remember what they were ;)


  3. Lulu says:

    New Year resolutions are simply retarded their proper definition is this:
    “A promise which you make to yourself and then simply fail to fulfill.”

    Honestly I’m just going to go out there and actually do those things but not call them resolutions. Besides- resolutions are only for fat people who wan’t to lose wait.



    1. AnnaEstelle says:

      “Honestly I’m just going to go out there and actually do those things but not call them resolutions.”
      ^^this I agree with.
      the rest of it, however…XD Luke you’re awesome.
      In your own unique way.

