First Rehearsal – Dance Composition Part III

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Though I have not yet settled on the set of images from “The Wanderer” which I will use as inspiration for specific movements for my piece, I have determined that I will definitely be using a few of the beginning lines – those that speak of the poet being “forced to row the fierce, freezing sea with bare hands.” My dancers and I worked on these lines today.

I brought several movements to them inspired by the idea of having only one’s hands with which to make progress through rough, freezing water. The feeling this image gives me is one of frantic desperation – and silent determination. I think also of the complete exhaustion that this struggle would cause, and how quickly one might lose hope.

The movements are all at different levels. The first is a dragging motion, in which the dancer braces one fist against the floor, grips it with her other hand as though it is a lifeline, or a handhold in the rocky surf, and drags her body to it. This movement takes place while the dancer is lying full-length upon the floor – the other four movements inspired by these couple of the poem’s lines happen at progressively higher levels – sitting, kneeling, in a lunge, and finally, standing full-height.

I hope to have more material to teach my dancers at our next rehearsal. I will pinpoint a sequence of specific images and lines from the poem, as well, to work from.

Finally, in respect to having bits of the poem recorded in the music, I think I’ve come up with a much better idea. Rather than having the lines recorded, I will have someone on stage to recite them (or read them – they need not be memorized, I think). I haven’t determined, yet, who to ask – but I have a really great idea. There’s a certain fellow in the Theater department here – I venture to say he’s well-known to all on this campus, if only by sight. Fellow by the name of Jared. He’s head and shoulders taller than I and skinny enough to give one a paper cut. Jared’s a senior, and has the most lovely deep voice…perfect for the recitation of Old English…;) I may ask if he’d be willing to do this. He’s quite a character, and not a little intimidating…working with him will be a strange and unusual experience, if he agrees to it.

11 Comments Add yours

  1. Bessie Lark says:

    *coughIgottheDWreference* =D


  2. Lulu says:

    Simply fascinating.

    Anna your writing is so delicate! Such a toothsome combination of words that flow off your tongue like my latest Bûche de Noël.

    Oh so exquisite! Please continue writing.

    au revoir


    1. AnnaEstelle says:

      One: You made my night.
      Two: Why are you talking about christmas food in March?
      Three: Where do you come UP with these things??

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Lulu says:

        Bah! Mon sucre d’orge! I have fabriqué your night? You are, indeed, too affectionate.

        Oh my, Bûche de Noël is simply my favori! Your post was so thoughtful in wordplay that it reminded me of my past (it breaks my heart to think of it) grandmama and she made quite the best Bûche de Noël, I must say indeed. I have toiled over and crafted to recreate her recette but no avail! Alas, it va à la tombe avec elle.


        1. AnnaEstelle says:

          Now you sound like an incredibly awkward mix of Jane Austen and someone from Cyrano de Bergerc.
          …DO IT AGAIN!!! :D

          Liked by 1 person

  3. Lulu says:

    The local time here is 4am. I’m afraid I can’t divertir until the morning. I have my des petits pains baked so I’m afraid I must sommeil.

    revoir Fair Lady !


    1. AnnaEstelle says:

      Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, but Lulu…


  4. Lalaithiel says:

    I really enjoy reading your process. =D Your choreography ideas with the different levels of movement sounds especially captivating.


    1. AnnaEstelle says:

      Yay! I’m glad you like reading about it. I’m afraid I may be boring some of my non-dancer-y friends and family members, with these posts. ;) But it’s fun to do – and keeps me on top of the choreography, a bit.


  5. EmilyAbroad says:

    I am totally fascinated by all artistic processes, including yours.

    Liked by 1 person
