…what the hay.

Saw the first two Batman movies. WHY DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF.

…the first one was good. I was pleasantly surprised. I actually kinda LIKED it. And I want the car. <3

The second one? …well. Two things to say.

One: Who. In their right mind. Enjoys movies like that? Remind me never to try this again. Spiderman was horrible. Captain America was one of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen. No reason why Batman should be any better. The first one was good…but not enough to redeem superheroes, apparently. -_- I’m going back to my Elves. Stick with what you know, man. Superheroes just like to kill things…

And two: Why in the world didn’t they cast Johnny Depp as the Joker??




So like, I’m kind of hoping watching this movie will be enough to get me off this dreaming-about-my-friends-every-single-night-until-I-go-crazy thing. Although you know…I may actually prefer the college/friend nightmares to this…=P



There went my peace of mind.

64 Comments Add yours

  1. ircheticen says:

    Wow, anna. I thought I had been a better influence on you than this. What has happened to all your cultural development? I am deepy concerned for this lack of response to one of the finest movies ever made. The Dark Knight is fully comparable to LoTR in depth and artistic quality. It is quite possibly my all time favorite movie, also, in answer to your question: “what kind of person would like it?” *sigh* This hurts my soul . . .


    1. AnnaEstelle says:

      I knew you’d say that. *grins*
      And hey man. I DID actually WATCH it. Both of them. And I will probably watch the third. Baby steps here, bro. I may come around eventually. Don’t count on it. But. The fact that I’m watching them means my cultural development has skyrocketed. So.
      Although it has more to do with the fact that Luke has taken a sudden illness in the form of wanting to watch all the superhero movies and I have nothing better to do, than with your influence…*ahem* O=)


    2. AnnaEstelle says:

      Oh, and Justin? The question was, “Who in their **right mind** enjoys movies like that.” So that excuses you for liking it. =)



  2. taethiel says:

    ROFL! I just watched The Dark Knight. Like, just finished it. XD That is funny.

    And. Yeah. I… didn’t really like it. I loved the first one. That one was good. But this one… was… just an action movie. And I’m sorry, I don’t do those. The end almost redeemed it… Batman rocks… but it still didn’t make up for the rest of the movie basically being a lot of explosions and extremely disturbing other things. The Joker… uh… yeah. So I’m not the only one who thought of Johnny Depp? ;)

    Anyway. Yea. Agreed. =P


    1. AnnaEstelle says:

      Concur. =P
      …how did it end? I fell asleep…*cough*

      Hahaha. Yea. No. I saw him, and instantly was like wait. Why isn’t he Johnny Depp? That would make this worth watching. =P


  3. Lulu says:

    Please don’t hate on the movies if it isn’t your style of a movie/plot. Some people hate LoTR but we don’t see them ranting about it.


    1. AnnaEstelle says:

      Yea I do see them ranting XD
      But I’m not hating. I’m just letting the world know that it’s not the sort of movie I like. *cough*
      …ok, so I did hate on Spiderman and Captain A. But even YOU didn’t like Spiderman when we saw it. As I recall, we didn’t even finish the movie. Though it was a long time ago. And as for Captain America, it wasn’t a bad movie. It was a lot better than the Dark Knight. It was just…kind of dumb…*cough*
      But come on. I SAID I really LIKED the first Batman movie. He was cool.


  4. Lulu says:

    I was a 10 year old kid for goodness sake, I was scarred for life.


    1. AnnaEstelle says:

      Ikr? I was a 13 year old kid, and I was also scarred for life. =P


  5. juliel1tps says:

    1.) Hi Anna. I’ve heard *cough* a lot about you on TPS. 0=) I’m Lion. *shakes hand*
    2.) How could you not like Captain America? *dies*
    3.) Nice blog, by the way. =D


    1. AnnaEstelle says:

      1.) Hi. I met you. Ish. *evil grin* I KNOW WHO YOU AREEEEEEE. \m/ At least virtually. =P
      2.) Sorry. He wasn’t my type. ;)
      3.) Thanks. =D


    2. AnnaEstelle says:

      WAIT. You’ve “heard *cough* a lot”??? That cough sounds suspicious. What have they been telling you?? O_O Don’t believe it all. …*ahem* only believe the bad parts…Mwahahahaha…
      jk =P


      1. juliel1tps says:

        1.) Oh yes, at the concert. *remembers* ^^
        2.) Hehe.
        3.) You’re welcome. =D

        *laughs* Well, they say that you’re more devoted to LotR than Grace, which I found quite shocking. *grins* And they say you have quite the nice, shiny halo. 0=)


      2. AnnaEstelle says:

        Psh, Grace is only devoted to Legolas. …O_O Did I say that? =# I didn’t say that! That was someone else! O__O Shh. This never happened. <..>
        And yes, my halo is very nice and shiny. If I do say so myself. *pets* O=)


      3. juliel1tps says:

        *snickers* What were we talking about? 0=) I have a nice shiny halo too. Only it’s not certified, so some would say it doesn’t count. -.- I’ve also heard that you have a ghost. True or false? =D


      4. Bessie Lark says:

        I AM NOT DEVOTED TO ONLY LEGOLAS. And you know that very well. Anna…*sigh* You’ll give me a bad reputation. =) Besides, if I WERE guilty of such narrow-mindedness, why would I have read the Sil and the short stories and Lays of Beleriand and Lost Tales–or even The Hobbit, for that matter? See, you cannot hold up against my slew of evidence. *stalks away grandly* =D


      5. AnnaEstelle says:

        Well then. Your halo looks very nice to ME. I hereby announce it as certified, and say it counts. Ha. *cough* *smirks at Guardian of Halo* O=)
        And I do have a ghost, apparently. He goes by the name Mouth of Sauron (but that is totally not a reflection on my character. Even though it IS my ghost. *nods convincingly*)

        Grace – *cough yea you’re right, I do know that…I could mention a couple other fellows *coughdwarvescough* you are also devoted to…=#
        And you would read those things anyway, if you’re REALLY devoted to Legolas. They give you the background of his people. Ha. =P


      6. Bessie Lark says:

        Look, what’s the point of going “=#” when you’ve already said what you’re trying to keep in? *angelic smile* *polishes halo*
        The short stories don’t. Neither “Farmer Giles of Ham” nor “Smith of Wootton Major” nor “Leaf by Niggle” nor “Roverandom,” So why would I read those? Ha. =P


        1. AnnaEstelle says:

          …your argument is that if you were only devoted to Legolas, why would you have read anything other than works dealing with him. In other words, if you were solely devoted to him, you would only read LotR etc. …well…I’m pretty devoted to ice cream, but I still eat other food too…but it doesn’t make me any less devoted to ice cream…O_O sugar. Mwahahahaha.
          *ahem* same goes for you and L. And besides, you reading other non-ME stuff by Tolkien has nothing to do with you liking L. That would be like me reading til We Have Faces (excellent book, btw) just because I like Aslan. They have nothing to do with each other. =P


      7. juliel1tps says:

        *giggles* You girls are hilarious. No wonder you’re friends. xD Oh, and Anna, I thought you should know. I, a person who has never been interested in LotR and has never wanted anything to do with is, have begun to read The Hobbit. =P


        1. AnnaEstelle says:

          Ah. There is hope for your sorry existence yet. I congratulate you on finally choosing to get a life.
          …hmm, that was a little bit rude of me, wasn’t it…? *mature self glares at Tolkien-obsessed self* be quiet, you. There’s more to life than Tolkien. *Tolkien-obsessed self promptly gets mature self in choke-hold* O_O *gasp* nonono, I didn’t mean it like that!! *choke* Wait! Don’t do this! Augh!!!


      8. Bessie Lark says:

        Heeey…Tolkien-obsessed self of Anna…look at this (and stop choking the mature self into the bargain….). http://www.theonering.net/torwp/2013/06/19/74024-frame-by-frame-analysis-of-the-hobbit-the-desolation-of-smaug-trailer-2/
        So cool.


        1. AnnaEstelle says:

          And now, excuse me, everyone. I’m going to go replicate some Elf hair styles on myself. brb.

          Someone with long hair come visit me now. Like. Right now. I need to braid it.


          1. Bessie Lark says:

            My sister has long hair!!! If you kidnap us both right now, you can do it on her, pretty pleeeease?


      9. juliel1tps says:

        Bahaha! xD No wonder everyone likes you on TPS. *grins*


        1. AnnaEstelle says:

          @ Grace – O_O…*tolkien self slowly releases grip* *mature self slumps in gasping heap under table* I’m never coming out again…O_O

          @ Julie – …I’ve decided to take that as a compliment and let you live. *ahem* ;)


      10. juliel1tps says:

        Oh, it’s definitely a compliment. ^^


  6. joctavianr says:

    Okay, to the person who said that it was just an action movie, are we even talking about the same movie? If you want to define it in terms of any mainstream genre, it would be far closer to a psychological thriller. It focused on the interplay of characters, the development of philosophies, and conflict of world views. It was not even close to a simple action move. One of the reasons that some people hated it was that the action was underplayed compared to the long, overly-well written dialogue portions.
    Captain America was probably the third worst superhero movie made in the last decade or so. (First and second worst would go to Green Lantern and Superman). That movie was a pure action movie with no redeemable traits (like script, involved characters, well developed plots, or good acting). But, Anna, you cannot even compare it to Batman. The two films had nothing in common. Dark Knight was a character-driven, sometimes introspective examination of societal tendencies drawn out in a fantastic scenario with classic characters. Captain America was strictly a cartoon-style superhero romp with a mild pretense at underdeveloped grandiose ideas.
    The Spiderman movies were good. They were intended to be lighter and more action-filled than the Batman movies. But they also had some good commentary on the consequences of decisions and individual responsibility. Anna, I don’t think you are giving the movies the chance they deserve =(


    1. AnnaEstelle says:

      “It focused on the interplay of characters, the development of philosophies, and conflict of world views.”
      *grins* yea. And so it went straiiiiight over my head. *cough* XD the fact that I was falling asleep though most of it didn’t help either…*headdesk* but that wasn’t my fault. =P
      And I’m only comparing it to the Dark Knight because they both are superhero movies. =P
      As for not giving them a chance – Yea, I’m probably not. I agree. =P Although I wasn’t expecting to like the first one, and I ended up really, really enjoying it. The second one was too violent, I guess, for my tastes. I just don’t care for any movie, superheroes or no, that has that same level of violence and intensity. When it’s just one danger/fight/suspenseful scene after another, with nothing to break up the tenseness, I just…don’t like it. That may be something other people like, but I don’t, really. I have seen several movies that are that way, that have nothing to do with superheroes, that I dislike.
      So pretty much, I have nothing against the movie itself (though I suppose it probably came across that way), I just don’t care for that genre of film. *shrugs*
      And that said, yea, I’m going to watch the third one when Luke does. XD Because the first one was good, and the ending of the second was pretty good, and I am guessing the third one will have good parts too.


    2. taethiel says:

      Okay, when I called it an “action movie,” I didn’t mean it was pure action with no plot. What I meant was, it felt like more than half of the movie was taken up by action scenes. (It might not actually have been, but it felt like it.) That is just not my type of movie. I honestly get bored watching people chase other people around, blowing up cars and trucks and everything else in their way as they go. =P And the movie had a lot of that.

      That being said, I don’t disagree that the movie had some very deep, very contemplative and fascinating themes. But because of the nature of the movie – very fast-paced, with a lot of action sandwiching the more *cough* interesting parts – I wasn’t able to really digest the ideas and themes being explored until afterwards. Now, looking back, I can see the depth. But during the movie, a lot of it just didn’t sink in, because I was being visually assaulted by explosions and fist-fights. =P

      So. I still don’t know whether I liked the movie or not. I didn’t dislike it. It has a lot of interesting stuff in it. But I guess I just didn’t like the choice they made to include so much action. It felt like they went over the top in showing the effect the Joker had on the city. Idk. That’s just my take.

      It isn’t a simple action movie. But I felt like it had too much action. It was hard for me to trace the plot and the themes while also constantly watching the fighting. That’s just me, though – I am sure other people don’t have that issue.

      Happier? ;)


      1. AnnaEstelle says:

        ok forget everything I said and listen to Rebekah…=P
        Actually don’t forget EVERYTHING I said…just some of it. XD Rebekah ‘splained it better. =P


    3. taethiel says:

      Okay, maybe this is just a girl thing, then… Anna feels the same way about the action. XD

      And also, I plan to watch the third movie too. I loved the first one. And I liked parts of the second one… the parts that were talking, not fighting. So. I’m not completely giving up on Batman. ;)


      1. AnnaEstelle says:

        Hahaha. Perhaps. Or at least a girl-with-our-type-of-personality-thing. I know a few girls…o_O hehe =P


  7. mariertps says:

    … hope you are satisfied, I’m never going to watch those movies. xD Like ever. Y’all have mortally scared me…


    1. AnnaEstelle says:

      Haha. No. the first one was good. I really liked it. There were epic ninjas O_O and high-speed car chases that were kind of cool. And the Batman guy was awesome. =) He had good morals. And he doesn’t give in and go the way that his teachers want him to, and turn bad.


      1. mariertps says:

        I’ll think about it. I still have to get up the courage to watch Dr. Who. *grins*


      2. AnnaEstelle says:


        …I have nothing else to say. Because *cough* I’m sure you already know what I would say if I did. XD


  8. mariertps says:

    *runs away and climbs a tree* dun chop my head off, I’m still trying to figure out if I’m allowed to watch it. xD


    1. AnnaEstelle says:

      …………………if I chopped your head off, you wouldn’t be ABLE to watch it…that’s kind of counter-productive, wouldn’t you say? I think you can come down now…
      *leaves cookies at bottom of tree and waits for Marie to climb back down* =)


      1. mariertps says:

        True. :} *climbs down* O.0 cookies. xD you have just won my heart. <3


      2. AnnaEstelle says:

        Hahahahaha. XD


  9. Bessie Lark says:

    …And no one mentions Thor? :)


    1. AnnaEstelle says:

      As in, the movie or the person? Because I’ve never seen the movie. And as for the person. …*cough*…I have no comments on that. But I’m sure YOU do…*ahem*…=#


    2. Bessie Lark says:

      The movie. If you’re watching all the others, why not Thor?


      1. AnnaEstelle says:

        Luke’s watching them, not me…=P I watched the two batman ones. But I will probably not watch many others of the superhero movies. Thor would be one I would be more interested in seeing, simply because I saw a trailer for it one time that looked kind of funny, and Thor isn’t a superhero anyway. =P …*shrugs* superheroes just aren’t my thing.


      2. taethiel says:

        *cough* Thor the character is… interesting Yes, I’ve seen Avengers. And… the movie Thor looks kind of stupid. And almost everyone I know who has watched it agrees with that assessment. So. ;)

        And. I don’t like Natalie Portman. She’s not the greatest actor in the world, imho. So, that kind of decreases my desire to watch the movie too.

        Anywayyy… my opinion, which I’m sure you did not want. *shuts up* =#


      3. AnnaEstelle says:

        Correction: I always want your opinion. =) …at least, should you care to voice it, anyhow. I’m not going to go around demanding it from you at every occasion. Although I could…

        The only person I know who has seen Thor is Grace *ahem* and her opinion on this matter *cough* doesn’t count. So. *grins* =P I’ll take your word for that, Rebekah. ;)

        *cough* *can’t see Natalie Portman without thinking Padme* It ruins movies. XD She’s in it? …interesting. =P Not that I have anything at all against Padme…*cough*…but well. Star Wars is…Star Wars…Hehehe XD =D
        Yay Star Wars. <3


        1. Bessie Lark says:

          Natalie play’s Thor’s love interest. They’re soo sweet…. <333 AND WHY DON'T I COUNT?! =D


          1. AnnaEstelle says:

            …because you’ve already informed me that another dimension of your psyche is similarly obsessed with Thor as the Middle-Earth piece of you is obsessed with Legolas…although just maybe (?) not quiteeee as…badly…?
            and yes, I say obsessed. Psychologically speaking, love is only a chemical obsession in your brain. *nods* Hmph.


  10. joctavianr says:

    Anna, you’re killing me, girl. I LOVE Superhero movies. Some of the best movies coming out right now are Superhero movies . . . most of them actually. I think you have some kind of preconceived notion of what superhero movies are and you let that cloud your interpretation of each film you see. ='(

    I think what you are balking at is the style of artistic portrayal used in The Dark Knight. It was kind of a noir film, using in-your-face portrayal of darkness to make its point. Its violence was tamed down to make it a little more classy and digestable. But in a lot of ways it resembled harder edged modern movies that satirize society, warfare, or what have you. personally, I thought this was ver effective, and I appreciated that they restrained themselves from anything truly graphic. But I do see why it could get in the way of someone who is trying to enjoy a superhero movie (something traditionally lighter).

    Thor is an entertaining, fun adventure. It really has little depth to it. but it is fun to watch and has good characters and fun acting. Not the best movie, but enjoyable.
    Avengers was excellent. It had good characters and themes and superb script. The dialogue in that movie was done incredibly well.
    And while we are on Superhero movies, the Iron Man ones are pretty good. Not as deep of themes, but endearable characters, witty dialogue, and good action interspersed with comedy.


    1. taethiel says:

      Okay, to a certain extent, yes… but I wasn’t watching it for “lightness.” I like depth. I just didn’t appreciate the way to tried to create depth. And again, there were some scenes… for instance, the part where the Joker was chasing the police truck carrying Harvey Dent, and then Batman was chasing the Joker… where I just disengaged because it was either too stressful or too boring (idk which xD). If there had been less of that – long enough action scenes to get the point across, but no longer – I think I would have found the movie much more enjoyable. And I might have been able to focus and process the themes a little better, during the actual movie.

      And yeah.

      I like Avengers too. <3 Again, though, the last battle was wayyy too drawn out. …hm, maybe I'm just biased against fighting…


      1. joctavianr says:

        Haha. Well, it IS a Superhero movie. Most people like action scenes, and most people like them to be spectacular. if you want a superhero movie without any of that super action stuff, watch Unbreakable. It is a far more introspective movie with almost no action. I loved it.
        But, other than that one exception, superhero movies will almost always focus on action. It is one of the dominant appeals of the genre. Actually, the whole genre is kind of based on the otherwise impossible action scenes. So, it is kind of hard to get by without it.
        Btw, I am going to shamelessly advertise on anna’s blog. =p You should take a look at mine. I finally put up some new stuff. ; )


      2. AnnaEstelle says:

        *takes a very eager look* ;) I’m all for shameless advertising. That will be ten dollars, please.


    2. AnnaEstelle says:

      I definitely have preconceived notions about superhero movies, that are most likely unfounded because I have seen so few of them (like, two, to be exact. the two Batman movies. XD) =P I liked the first one, though, so there’s got to be hope for superhero movies as a whole. I just really don’t care for the constant action/violence/people shooting at each other stuff that dominated the second one, and it was about 11pm by the time we got to the end and I was, at that point, lying on the floor half asleep and not paying attention, which didn’t help because I have a feeling that the end was the part I would have liked more…haha. So. How’s this. I will give Superheroes several more chances (because Luke is set on watching all [like all nine million o_O] superhero movies, and I’ll watch them too because there’s nothing else to do even if I wanted to). And I will attempt to have an open mind.
      Because I don’t want to kil you. Even though I still have a conversation with you saved somewhere in which you discussed the sounds it makes when you microwave puppies on high for two minutes…
      …you know, I should just let you die anyway, for that…
      *grins* we had so much fun when we were highschoolers. XD


      1. Bessie Lark says:

        “Even though I still have a conversation with you saved somewhere in which you discussed the sounds it makes when you microwave puppies on high for two minutes…”
        *snickers* Seriously? *stifles laughter*


      2. AnnaEstelle says:

        Don’t ask, Grace. It could get dangerous.


  11. ashleytm says:

    oi! you had to post about my favorite movie… AND decided to not like it while I was away without internet and couldn’t defend it =/ hmph. though… Jr posting like… a book.. in it’s defense works… =P


    1. AnnaEstelle says:

      Hahahahaha. See you should just never go away. *grins* You should just follow me around everywhere and disagree with me, and then tell me you told me so. =)
      I’m all for it.


      1. ashleytm says:

        well, I had to. I had to go ~counsel~ little children…. O_o BUT I DISAGREE WITH YOU RIGHT NOW O_O =P …and I told you so -_- hmph =P


      2. AnnaEstelle says:

        …um. If I needed counseling, no offense or anything, but you’re probably the *last* person I’d go to…
        ever since that night of Doctor Who imitations in the fiber studio…O_o

        thanks. -_- hehehe. Well. I liked the third one a lot. How’s that? -_-


      3. ashleytm says:

        lol. my children were probably thinking the same thing. my poor co-counselor. I’m really impressed that she’s still sane. *nods*
        yes, but now you understand. -_-
        I told you so. =)


        1. AnnaEstelle says:

          …K, nvm. I now definitely pity your co-counselor more than the kids. O_o
          hehehehehe =P


  12. Tiberius Shift says:

    I could launch into a few arguments for superhero movies but let’s be honest here: I have about as much of a chance of changing your mind as weeping angels have becoming not terrifying.

