more NaNo

short post because NaNo.

But this was incredibly amazing and I felt like sharing it for those other writers of you who aren’t doing NaNo (or who are and aren’t on the site and thus don’t get the pep talks in your inboxes) or for those non-writers who wish they were writers.

actually, I don’t think there are very many people who read my blog who aren’t doing NaNo. XD well anyway.

I realized why I am so frustrated with myself and my writing: I’m not giving myself a chance. I feel like I have to be good at it, right now, to prove it’s ok for me to major in it.

But the truth is, I didn’t start doing any sort of creative writing until Sophomore or Junior year of highschool *can’t remember which*, when I took CW with Ms. Gaines (best. teacher. ever.). That is a record of three or four years ago.

I’m not a good writer. I don’t know hardly anything about creative writing. Maybe my use of language is good, because I have been playing with words since I was tiny, but my knowledge of the technique and methods behind creative writing is not there.

And I know literally nothing about novel writing. I’ve never actually had a real class on it (and yes, I am saying CW class didn’t teach me much about writing a novel – it taught me that I personally CAN do it, but there wasn’t much instruction, at least when I took the class, on how to actually…go about it correctly, or in a way that won’t leave you with a junk heap.)

So duh I’m not going to be good at it.

But that’s not the point. And it’s totally ok. Because you don’t get better if you don’t practice. All the horrid failures of novels or started and unfinished stories I have been producing over the past few years since that CW class are steps in the right direction.

And I have my entire life ahead of me for those steps to reach the finish, and for me to learn how to really write.

So it’s all good.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to get back to producing more junk writing. Practice makes perfect. =)

17 Comments Add yours

  1. Dragonslayer says:

    You’re supposed to be noveling. But good mental breakthrough.


  2. mariertps says:

    *sniffles* whydidyouleaveTPS. We could have word warred together. x} Yesh, Ms. Gaines is the bestest teacher in the world, hands down. And when I go visit her, I’m going to hug her forever.


    1. AnnaEstelle says:

      …………..we can still word war even if I’m not on TPS…*cough* XD


      1. mariertps says:

        Heheh. That might be a little hard to coordinate. :} *pictures this*


        1. AnnaEstelle says:

          lol. Do you have skype? Gmail chat? those things could work well for word warring. Or I can also hack my bro’s TPS account. *ahem* O=) I can still get in GP5 as him…
          I think, anyway. XD
          *grins at Luke* …I actually have only ever done that like once, last year. Dun worry.

          …wow, GP5 looks different. even more space-age than before. someday this program is going to take over the world. then it will kick us all and we’ll have to live on mars…


          1. mariertps says:

            I have both, but Skype is a work in process since I like, literally just got it. And it doesn’t like me. Pahaha, we will work something out. I’m sure he would appreciate that. *pats Lulu* Bro’s have this weird love for that sort of thing.


            1. AnnaEstelle says:

              I love skype. A lot. Skype is my buddy. <3 Why doesn't it like you? -_- do you have a mac? because then I don't like you either. And skype is lame on macs. ITS ONE OF THE ONLY REASONS PCS ARE BETTER! ha. …*wants mac* -_-
              lol. He's pretty much told me I can use his account to stalk people if I want to. He like, gave me his new username and password. So. It's totally his fault. XD hehehe =P But I don't ever use it because now there's a bunch of new TPSers taking over the world and I'm just like WHAT HAPPENED TO MY VERSION OF TPS??
              Which is good for TPS, I suppose, but it's just weird if I try and stalk people now. XD


            2. AnnaEstelle says:

              *may or may not have just stalked you on skype and found you*


              1. mariertps says:

                How weird is that. You foundeth me? No, I do not have a mac. What is everyone’s problem with the mac? o_O He is a brave soul. x} Well, that’s true. I can’t stand it when everyone leaves.


                1. AnnaEstelle says:

                  Hehehe. Idk, I think I did. I mean I assume I did. I searched for your email. So I’m guessing that the only person that showed up is you. *adds to contacts* IF IT TURNS OUT TO BE AN EVIL STALKER IT IS YOUR FAULT. *nod*
                  Nothing is wrong with the mac. I WANT one. -_- But I don’t have one, or enough money to ever get one, so therefore I don’t like them. *grins* XD hahaha.
                  Lol. Well, I was always the one who set up our family/student accounts on TPS back in the day when you got a new password every year. I would always get GP4 set up for everyone. So in the process I just *cough* memorized everybody’s passwords…*ahem* XD So I could always hack my bro and my sis. XD


                2. mariertps says:

                  How do I know if someone added me? Owait. Is it that flashing thingy? *clicks* DITTO. IF I GET SPAMMED. It is your fault. ^^ Are you the one with the weird little faery all curled up or whatevs? Ohgood. xD Yeah, I have my family’s passwords memorized. Not like it does me any good, I don’t get on gp5 that much and the forums still aren’t up. *hint hint mods*


                3. AnnaEstelle says:

                  …yep that would be it. XD
                  and yes that would be me.
                  rofl XD


  3. ….Kafka thought his own work was so bad he commanded it all to be burned after his death. Rober Musil thought his own work was so bad he spent a DECADE on a 20-page story.

    It’s all in the eye of the reader. My professor always says, Kunst ist schön; macht aber viel Arbeit.


    1. AnnaEstelle says:

      …heh. True. Good thing we didn’t burn Kafka, though. =P there would be no Gregor O_O …among lots of other epic stuff which you have read and I haven’t…XD
      And that is an epic quote. XD AND I DIDN’T HAVE TO USE GOOGLE TRANSLATE. \m/


  4. Lulu says:

    Thats okay Anna, we all knew you were a terrible writer ages ago.


    1. Lulu says:



      1. AnnaEstelle says:

        I love how long you waited to post that clarifier. XD

