I need your help.

Yes, you.

So. I’m going to delete my photography blog and create a new one, that will be for both my Photography and my more serious writing (like not me freaking out about Doctor Who and complaining about roommates in my typical insane fashion – I’ll be doing that same in a less crazed manner…*grins* well maybe). I would just re-vamp my photog blog and use that, but the url implies solely photography and I don’t like the url anyway and I was really stupid when I originally made that blog and I made it under a second wordpress account because I didn’t want it to be connected with this blog in any way, so now I have to sign out and sign in every time I want to do somethign with it and it’s a huge pain. And I don’t really care anymore if other random strangers find this blog because if they aren’t related to me, or very loyal friends (like you guys), they would prolly turn right back around and leave and never come back because they’ll find this place either boring, or too insane…


So. Back to the point at hand.

I need your help finding a Name for said new blog.

I’m not creative enough, and I can’t think of anything. If any of you have any suggestions whatsoever for good blog names, let me know. I want something slightly more professional (thus no “Anna’s Ramblings” or whatever other cliche ideas there are floating around out there – no offense to you if you have a blog called Anna’s Ramblings or anything…). And it would be for a blog containing both writing and photography. Theoretically, it would one day be a famous-ish blog that lots of people (or at least a couple who aren’t related to me or personal friends with me…) will read, and it would be well-known-ish in the blogging world and it would be cool.

However, that’s kind of counting my chicken’s ‘fore they hatch, and also, it’s kind of vain of me. Heh.

But anyway. If any of you guys have suggestions for blog names, please let me know. =P I’s desperate. Because I can’t think of anything good. -_-


That is all. you man go back to your lives. Miss Indecision has spoken.

37 Comments Add yours

  1. Annika says:

    Hmm…well, I have some ideas:
    “Light Out Of Darkness”-Kind of like 1 Peter 2:9. It also reminded me of “Light-Enraptured Photography”.
    “A Time To Keep Silence and a Time To Speak”- I like this one from Ecclesiastes (I like the from the the Bible theme). Not sure if it relates to your blog very well, though… *shrugs*
    “Walking Forward, Looking Up”- I might make another blog just to name it that….except that I won’t because my blog is pretty multipurpose and I really don’t need another thing to (attempt) to keep up with.


    1. AnnaEstelle says:

      Oo. cool ideas. Thanks! =) I like the second one…hmm.


    2. Lulu says:



      1. AnnaEstelle says:

        Now Luke. Do try and be polite for once. Not everyone has such…*cough* …uhm…impeccable… uh…standards…? as you…? *cough* o_O

        Seriously, though. I’ll spam you. Don’t be rude.


  2. Bessie Lark says:

    “Worth a Thousand Words” with a tagline saying something about how sometimes words are needed too…idk. I’ll keep thinking. :)


    1. Lulu says:

      *marked as spam, printed off, and run through a blender, before being fed to the sheep*


      1. Bessie Lark says:

        Are you always this positive? =P


      2. Lulu says:

        Lulu is always positive. See me smiling –> :D


      3. AnnaEstelle says:

        Grace, he’s always this positive when it comes to blog titles, yes. I’m impressed he hasn’t slaughtered me yet for “Light-Enraptured” =P *shakes head* Little brothers…


  3. “Off the Farm: a Vermont girl’s writings/thoughts/ramblings/whatevs”

    I also like “A Time to Speak” from above. It depends on how much you want to tie it to Vermont life, though….


    1. Lulu says:

      *also fed to the sheep, because I can*


      1. Jacob Cullum says:

        “Off the Farm” and “A Time to Speak” are cool titles. *nods*


    2. AnnaEstelle says:

      Yea, I really like A Time To Speak too. that one’s cool. Off the Farm is cool too…Hmm. See, idk how much I want to tie it to VT life, because chances are I will not be living in VT, or on a farm, or whatever, for the rest of my life. Although OFF the farm only suggests that I CAME from a farm…but I also don’t know how much the blog will relate just, or mostly, to farming/vt/etc. Hmm…


  4. Do you have a mission for this blog? Like a specific message or theme you wish to share through your photos and writings? Sometimes people like to base their titles off of the goal they have in making their blog, company, etc.


    1. AnnaEstelle says:

      …-_- You just had to ask that, didn’t you? *glares* bad Evil-Genius-Mastermind-Hero-Villain. Hmph. *frowns* =P

      Um. Idk? …I guess I don’t really have one message or theme or idea that I want to portray. I guess my goal is to bring Anna’s World into contact with the Rest Of The World, and post writing and pictures that…shoot I hate this question, Coartney. -_- Um. yea. Whatever. *posts comment like this because I just re-wrote it four times and none of them were successful attempts at explaining myself* XD hahaha. It will come to me…eventually. XD I know what I want to do, but I’m not sure how to explain it. Basically. XD


  5. Lulu says:




    1. Bessie Lark says:

      -___- Hey. I take offense at this . I am in TPS and I (that needs to be bolded =D) do not have a blog title anything like that. Check it out.
      (jk about the offense part, of course…but your comment is called a hasty generalization, one kind of logical fallacy. =) )


      1. Lulu says:

        You get kudos Bessie/Lark/Grace/Whatever your a rare exception to the painful reality.


      2. Bessie Lark says:

        Thank you very much. :) *refrains from going on nerdy tangent about the difference between “your” and “you’re”* 0=)


    2. AnnaEstelle says:

      @ Luke: I’m not even going to respond to this. Instead, I’m going to start deleting your comments now. Do try not to make all my friends hate you. It makes it awkward if I ever want to invite any of them over to my house for a visit.


      1. Lulu says:

        *rolls eyes*


  6. mariertps says:

    *Amused* Anna, what did you do to tick your brother off? XD
    You could try Gollum’s Cav- *cough* hm. Da Precious? ^^ Dance, Cucumber, Dance? Scintilla? Scalene? Squarkles? Spammo? I’ll stop. 0=)


    1. AnnaEstelle says:

      Um, nothing. He just started insulting blog titles and TPSers. XP

      …*cough*…uh. I…don’t wanna know…not even gonna ask…O_o you frighten me.


      1. mariertps says:

        Not ask what? o.O heh. If only you knew. XD Jk… would it help if you knew I don’t look scary?


      2. AnnaEstelle says:

        Not ask where those name suggestions came from…O___o And yea, that might help…but then again it might not. 0_0


    2. Lulu says:

      Honestly, these are the best suggestions yet. For real.


      1. AnnaEstelle says:

        *grins* I’m so calling the blog “Da Precious.” Not. *giggles*
        Although, that would be absolutely hilarious. XD I wouldn’t even be able to take me seriously…XD hahaha =P I love it. XD


      2. mariertps says:

        Listen to the wise words of Lulu. :} *nods* Btw, I still don’t believe you had plastic surgery. *stares*


        1. AnnaEstelle says:

          wait what. was that last sentence addressed to me or him? Because neither of us had anything of the kind. Stop staring at me. 0_0
          And Luke is never wise. He’s just witty. Sometimes.
          and I totally just typed “wide” instead of “wise”…


          1. mariertps says:

            Him. ^^ *grins* He said so when I first met him. (“met” as in… well you know how TPS works.)
            If you name it Da Precious, I shall laugh forever. *snickers* true. No one is wise when they take what I say seriously.


            1. AnnaEstelle says:

              …I see. Well. It’s prolly about the same amount of wise to take everything Luke says seriously…*grins* =# hehehe =D


              1. mariertps says:

                I hear someone grinding their teeth in the state of Vermont. 0=}


      3. Jacob Cullum says:

        “Da Precious” would be fantastic. *grins*


  7. sarahtps says:

    *gives thanks she doesn’t have younger brothers*

    “Da Precious” would be hilarious. Seriously, though:
    -Light on the World/Light of the World/Light to the World (can’t decide which of these three ideas I like best)

    I like “A Time to Keep Silent and a Time to Speak” and “Worth a Thousand Words” as well.


    1. Lulu says:

      What kind of a comment was that?


      1. AnnaEstelle says:

        Hahahahahahahahahaha. You, being a younger brother, can’t relate…but I’m sure all of us non-younger-brothers can relat4 with Sarah at some times…
        like that time you dumped a carefully-organized box of Emergen-C on my head after throwing your entire sock drawer at me, wrecking my bed, and interrupting my skype conversation with Ashley…
        Yea, ok, brothers do mostly rock. XD


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