A bit of mid-exams stress-relief…

I expect to see this under the Christmas tree with my name on it come Christmas morning.

Just letting you know now, so you can get on it.


Em, I dedicate this post to you. ;)

21 Comments Add yours

  1. Bessie Lark says:

    Awwwwwwww……..*pets kitty*


    1. AnnaEstelle says:

      my kitty. -_- *takes* no touchy. hmph. -_- *pets* *purrs* =))


      1. Bessie Lark says:

        Tisn’t yours yet….. :D And how was the psych exam?


      2. AnnaEstelle says:

        yes it is. I posted it. hmph. -_- *hugs kitty* mine. -_-

        um. I’m not sure? =P Haha. It was longggg >_< And yea. I dunno how it went. I'll find out whenever she posts the grades online, I suppose…;) hehe. I think it was ok. =)


  2. vtgrandview says:

    I wants it……………my name on kitty under tree………….


    1. AnnaEstelle says:

      0_0 nooo…mine <3 hmph.


  3. I think there are enough cats in your house. There was one little one that looked just like that at Mannings. When I said” Hi kitties”
    it came right over to me. They were all out sunning themselves on a very cold day. ( about 10 of them )


    1. AnnaEstelle says:

      O_O Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww…<3 You shoulda grabbed him! I'm sure they wouldn't have minded…=)))


  4. Bessie Lark says:

    Yeah, this is off topic, but I wrote a song for Raya in Terra Chao…here you go. Just in case you ever revive her story and want one. :) This would preferably be a slow, haunting melody.

    “There’s a rainbow after every rain,
    And sleep relieves your every pain.
    O let your heart rejoice again,
    And cling to hope like an anchor’s chain.

    “Though the day is dark and menacing,
    And your life’s an ocean threatening,
    Yet left to you is just one thing,
    Hope’s sun will shine and help you sing.”


      1. Bessie Lark says:

        And in the second stanza, first line, I was thinking “world” instead of “day.”


      2. AnnaEstelle says:

        Ok, so now you need to set it to music…*ahem* *hinthint* …;)


      3. Bessie Lark says:

        We’ll see…what with school papers, TC, and Spring Flower, idk if I’ll get to Finale any time soon.


      4. Bessie Lark says:

        Random curiousity question: what’re the highest/lowest notes you can sing comfortably? 0=)


      5. Bessie Lark says:

        …and why does “curiousity” not look right? o_O


      6. AnnaEstelle says:

        Um. Lowest I think is the…G below middle C…or somewhere around that. I think I can go a few notes lower, but not comfortably. And highest…usually a high C. I can go to high E, but. It sounds REAL bad. *grins* =P =P
        And that would be because you spelled it WRONG. *grins* there’s only one u. Curiosity, not curiousity. It’s…spelled different than curious is. *cough* Yep. Makes a ton of sense. Hey, I didn’t invent it. IF I HAD IT WOULD HAVE BEEN COOLER! -_-


      7. Bessie Lark says:

        Haha, yeah, I’m sure. Lol. Anyway…Brevin’s wrapping up TC sometime next month and starting TC2…and I’m thinking about sending Raya back to her Island and bringing in my Riali from that Wanderer thing. And maybe even Charis/Lisse. :)


      8. AnnaEstelle says:

        Oh that would be cool…do it. =D


      9. Bessie Lark says:

        It’s just I’m not sure if Brevin would like me having 3 characters…I might just do Bessie and Riali.


  5. Dragonslayer says:

    *wishes he had kitty*


  6. Shanda says:

    I should send this post to Jonathan. I want a kitty so badly!

